Blossom-Thyme Dairy Goats

Export Projects
Nubians - Sr. Does
Nubians - Jr. Does
Planned Breedings
Nubian Bucks
Nubian - Reference
For Sale
Export Projects

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or 253-370-8049
2015 Export to the Philippines
We expect this contract(s) to be awarded very soon.  At this point we are
being informed contract #1 will include Nubians, Alpines and Boer goats. Contract #2 will include Dorper, White dorper, Katahdin, St.Croix and Barbados lambs as well as a few cattle. If you are
interested in being added to the list, send a email about your farm
and what you have to offer. Once we have a confirmed contract, including ages, and projected shipping month we will request copies of reg. or pedigrees and photos. Most likely
we will be looking for those born in 2014/2015.  

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